Thursday, April 05, 2018

Maybe It’s Magic…

HDMI-1Charlie brought Horsefly’s rather large TV this afternoon for me to work on. He said the sound wasn’t working.

“It is such a nice TV,” Charlie told me. “I would hate to have to buy Horsefly another one.”

“Let’s hook it up to my cable box with an HDMI cable and see what happens,” I told Charlie of this very large television.

I turned it on, tuned it to a channel, and we immediately had a picture with sound.

“How did you do that?” Charlie asked flabbergasted. “I’ve tried every setting and menu to get that TV to work.”

We loaded the TV back into Charlie’s backseat and headed for Horsefly’s current base of operations.

“Let’s try a different HDMI cable,” I told Charlie when we got back to his house. “If it is not that then we need to get the cable box changed out. We obviously now know the TV is working fine.”

It turned out to be that the HDMI cable was faulty.

“I had to borrow that working cable from the TV upstairs so I am headed to Walmart to buy another cable,” Charlie told me. “Do you want to come?”

“Just drop me off at the house,” I told Charlie kindly. 

“Don’t buy a cheap $4 HDMI cable when you get down to Walmart,” were my parting words to Charlie as I got out of his Caprica.

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