Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Operation Bumfuzzled…

03b1c47bf923cd524556d76cb6fc3cef<------- I miss the old nurse uniforms.

Well my injection was growing increasingly FUBAR this morning. Dad forgot today was my injection and I called him at work yesterday to remind him. They didn’t have a shot in stock and had to have it delivered overnight. I drove down to the pharmacy this morning hoping for the best. Dad had called me and said my injection had arrived. I was kind of disheveled today and Old Fuss and Feathers remarked upon it.

“Let’s see how you fare with schizophrenia,” I snapped at my father with a tinge of anger in my voice.

My father apologized for his harsh words.

“Rebecca’s not coming in until lunch,” my then father told me. “A nurse named Mary is going to give you your injection.”

I drove down to Kamath medical deflated and expecting the absolute worse. I signed in, chatted with the receptionist, Trina, for a few minutes, and sat down for about 15 minutes. Then Rebecca poked her head outside the door and welcomed me back. I was so elated to see her.

“What are you doing here?” I asked excitedly.

“I had to take my daughter to the pediatrician this morning,” she told me. “It dawned on me that today was your injection so I hurried up.”

I just sat in my chair with a big goofy grin on my face at this fortuitous turn of events.

1 comment:

glittermom said...

Wasn’t it your dads idea To change your day? Chances are he’ll keep forgetting so you need to remind him a day ahead. You seem to be more responsible about these appts.