Thursday, April 19, 2018

It’s a Jungle Out There…

cubed steak - CopyI just called my father to see what he is up to. He was saying last night he was going to get us up a good supper tonight.

“Hey Papa, what are you doing?” I asked.

“I am working in my yard,” he replied.

Dad loves to toil for hours planting flowers, weeding flower beds, and trimming shrubbery until he is a sweaty and dirty mess. His mother loved this as well. This progeny didn’t get this gene or characteristic. I abhor cutting my grass and pray my shrubbery doesn’t grow too much. When I was having those terrible anxiety attacks years ago, Charlie would come and cut my grass.

meat tenderizer - Copy“I’ve already gone to the grocery store,” he told me. “How does cubed steak, gravy, and Southern rice sound tonight?” he asked.

Dad will cook the cubed steak until it is very fork tender. I would consider it a Southern delicacy.

“That sounds delicious,” I told him. “Absolutely delicious.”

“I am going to cook those green beans you like so much as well,” he then told me.

Poor Maggie is Such a Skittish Dog…

MaggieI started to clip my fingernails this morning and after the first click or snap sound, Maggie went flying out the dog door. She thinks she is going to get her nails clipped as well. She will wait until about two hours have passed before she cautiously comes back inside. We take her to the Vet next week and I will let them do the dirty business of clipping Maggie’s nails. She’s is going to get a bath and grooming as well. Another thing she just hates.

1 comment:

Rita said...

I want to make some now!