Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Biology fun and a study date……..

I know some of you do not like it when I get off on one of manic tangents like I did the past few days. I apologize. At least, you are getting to read an accurate portrayal of me and what is going on with me. I am fallible and very much human and not just words written in some little known blog amid millions on the internet.

A reader emailed me and wanted to hear about my classes and more of my college experiences. Here was this morning as best as I can recollect it…..

I feel much better today. Yesterday, I was just tired and hungry. I followed some sage advice from my late grandmother. She would say, “Hon, eat you something good, drink a glass of tea, and take a nap.” That and a couple of zanax helped as well. I slept for over twelve hours and awoke refreshed and ready to start my day. I was in a completely different frame of mind.

This morning I had biology and I enjoy it. I have a knack for certain subjects and this is one of them. The professor put a chemical equation on the board and asked the class what is was.

Carbon Dioxide going in and Oxygen as a byproduct made a light bulb go off in my head.

“Photosynthesis!” I said.

“Yes, you are correct sir!” My professor replied.

We then went on to discuss ionic, covalent, and hydrogen bonds. He drew up several water molecules to show how the hydrogen bonds give water its unique properties. I found all this fascinating. He then wrote on the board the compound with one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms. I immediately recognized it as methane and blurted out the word.

The last hour was a laboratory where we are basically just learning how to use the metric system. It was pretty standard stuff and kind of boring. I am ready for dissections and experiments.

After class a young woman walked up to me as I was standing outside. Thursday we do not have class as our instructor has a previous engagement.

“Are you John’s son?” She asked.

“Yes, I am.” I replied.

“Hi, I am Brandi.” She said and we shook hands.
We made small talk for a little while. Her mother used to work for my father for years and she knew my father well.

“Would you like to meet me in the library to study together Thursday morning?” She asked.

“I would be delighted to.” I replied.

“Shall we say regular class time then?” She asked.

“Regular class time it is then.” I responded.

We both smiled and said our good byes. I walked into the parking lot and made my way on home with a big smile on my face.

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