Saturday, January 15, 2005

Rambling about procrastination……..

I can remember my brother when he was in college at Tulane. Any holiday you would find him sitting at the kitchen table studying often times very early in the morning. He got his degree in Bio-Medical Engineering and graduated with honors. He went on to be a Physician in internal medicine and an officer in the Navy. His diligence and discipline still, to this day, astounds me.

My sister was more of a party girl and was president of her sorority at Tulane but she also did very well. My brother used to drag her to the library with him and make her study until she cried about it. She majored in Anthropology and went on to be a Physician in internal medicine as well. She is currently doing her residency at the University of Alabama at Birmingham Medical Center.

As you can see, I come from a family of high achievers and this puts a lot of pressure on me. I called my brother this morning in San Diego over at my parent’s house to get some tips and advice on studying. His basic advice was to hit your local library where there are no distractions and give an hour to each subject a day and sometimes multiple times a day. He said to study as you go and do not fall into the trap of trying to cram for an exam.

Well, what am I doing? I am sitting here writing about it and not doing it. I shall now go take a hot shower, put on some clothes, and head down to the local library and delve into my books. I am going to try and take his advice to heart. Here at the house there are too many distractions such as my computer, the phone, and the TV. It is time to cast away this vice called procrastination.

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