Monday, January 24, 2005

Confessions of an insomniac…..

All the Greek tragedies I read earlier in the day piqued my interest in Greek culture and history. I walked under the basement to smoke a bowl and what did I see? A large green tome about the Parthenon. On the cover was scribbling by my brother as a child. He had drawn an epic space battle of opposing triangles with circular gun emplacements. I knew it was his as he wrote prominently his name Alex amid the drawings.

There is a veritable library under my grandmother’s old home. These books are mildewing and growing warped with moisture. I need to get under there and bring them inside my apartment and clean them up. I fear they will just be thrown away or discarded.

I lay in bed for hours reading this book infatuated with the many pictures and the interesting text. I looked over at my bedside alarm clock after several hours of reading and it read 11:30 PM. Jeez, I need to go to sleep. I have a busy day tomorrow. I got up to take a drink of water and wandered over to the computer to write this. I am now going to take a couple or four sominex (sleeping pills) and try to drift to sleep. My mind is as busy as a hamster on a exercise wheel at midnight. I must….get….to…..sleep!

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