Monday, January 10, 2005

Day one completed…..

I am dead tired. I mean dead, dead tired. My upper body is also extremely sore from trimming my father’s gigantic backyard hedge this morning. I foresee a bed being in my very immediate future. I do have a lot of reading to do for World Literature so I will do that in bed. I now see why people eat out so much. After you have been busy all day it is hard to muster up the energy to fix supper. I made do with just a bologna sandwich, some chips, glass of milk, and a banana. It was bland but filling.

The majority of my fellow students are all female nursing majors. Male students were by far the minority my first day. Ages ranged from 18 and living at home to 48 with grown children.

My first class was Psychology and we mainly just introduced ourselves and went over the syllabus. Most of the students pleaded with our Professor to let us go early. We took a vote and I voted to stay for the full class time. I wanted to get my monies worth from the get go and to start the first chapter today. I was the only student who voted yea for staying. I was outnumbered 40 to 1 by those who said nay. Oh well, at least I tried.

My second class, World Literature, was more interesting. We shortly discussed the syllabus and then our instructor asked us to write a one page essay on what made a great piece of literature stand the test of time. It was to be graded and everyone moaned and complained. I foresee this large class to grow thin soon as I could hear several students saying they would be sure to drop it tomorrow. I actually enjoyed it and discussed the merits of a recent work I had read. We then could leave after we completed and turned in our essays. I do realize that my handwriting needs work. I rarely, if ever, have to write by hand and do all my journaling and correspondence in front of a computer now days. I wrote slowly and diligently to keep it very legible.

Did I mention that I am sore? I haven’t been this sore since youth. I didn’t realize how hard I worked this morning to trim that entire damn hedge. My muscles in my arms and shoulders are balking and aching. I need to go take some Tylenol, turn on late night talk radio, and settle into the bed. Good night and thanks for reading along.

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