Sunday, May 23, 2004

11 games of dominoes…..

Yes we played from 3:30 to 7:30. I had a good time and didn’t want to come home. I was enjoying the company of Paige, Alaine, and Alaine’s mom. I cooking some popcorn and had some diet sodas for a break.

Alaine showed me all her cross stitch work. She literally had all the walls in the house adorned with items she has crafted. They were beautiful to see and she certainly is prolific.

I went to my AA meeting that I thought was at 8:00 pm. At least that is what it stated online. I should have asked Phillip and confirmed the times. It was at 7:00 PM and I just caught the tail end of it. I felt as if I wanted to cry as I was sitting in there. I want so very much to stay sober and improve my life. I did get to hear the guest speaker wrap up his story and then I put a dollar in the basket and we closed with the lord’s prayer.

The religious aspects of AA are the things that bother me. I guess I am agnostic at heart and sometimes the talk of higher powers and all the religious connotations can put me off but I am going to stay with this.

It is a long 30 minute walk but I made it home. I feel really empty and lonely tonight. I have hopes that maybe Alaine will call back and want to come over. I will just keep my fingers crossed. Well, I will close and say good night.

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