Tuesday, May 18, 2004

A journeys end…..

I had a great hike. It was a beautiful day despite some oppressive humidity. I love the smell of the woods and the cool water of a creek on a warm day. It is grounding and puts you at ease.

I walked along the creek for many miles following its meandering path. It’s not a huge creek but you could see minnows and crayfish from time to time. You could see were during big rains it had overflowed its banks. It was a surreal setting.

I sat on a large rock near the stream and ate my lunch. The turkey sandwiches were tasty and the tomato soup was still hot. I just drank it like a drink out of the thermos. My milk was warm but tasted good and refreshing. I sat for a long time afterwards just listening to the sounds of the forest and feeling the cool breeze under the shade of the trees. I wish I could capture that moment and bottle it. I would make a million in today’s stressed out world.

I spent a long time looking for arrowheads but didn’t find any. I was looking in washed out gulleys where stones and rocks would collect after a rain storm. Finding arrowheads is a hit and miss affair. I often find them out of sheer luck and not by looking. No luck today. I sometimes think I am luckier if I do not actively look for them and just happen upon them. It is testament to the many thousand of years that those indigenous people lived here in Alabama long before us white folks arrived. Especially since there are so many still laying around to be found.

I am now going to go lie down and take a long nap in the late evening and then get up and fix a late supper. I am tired and my arm is sore from my travels today. I am just going to be lazy tonight and not really cook. I am going to warm up some vegetable soup in the microwave and make a quick pan of hot cornbread. Good afternoon and good bye.

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