Saturday, May 22, 2004

Slam, bang, BOOM!!!!!

We just had one hell of a thunderstorm. I was taking a nap and awoke to the sound of all hell breaking loose. I ran upstairs and unplugged the TV and other things then came downstairs and unplugged my two auxiliary computers (these just run seti@home). My main computer is on a nice belkins surge protector so I didn’t unplug it and crossed my fingers.

I love a good storm and the sound and smell of rain. I love to hear the patter of the rain as it falls and collects off the roof. One bad thing though, the awning that should be above my door is lying on the side of the house. It needs to be put up but I do not have the arm strength to do it. Water creeps in under the door soaking the carpet and that means when I go have a smoke when it is raining my socks get wet. Damn, I hate that. It peeves me and I worry the carpet will rot as well. I have told my father about it and he is going to get a carpenter to build an awning over the door. This would be nice for me and my wasp friends as well.

I had several calls on my answering machine. My darling ex-wife has graduated and I am proud. She has a video of it that she is going to bring it by since I could not attend in person (lack of mobility). There was also a web cast but she never emailed a link and I could not view it. I looked online and could not find it. Darn her but she is technologically limited. Bless her soul.

Alaine called twice. One call was about a trip to Wal-Mart for something and another call about getting together to play dominoes and watching tonight’s britcoms on the television. I think I will call back and go play with them. I need to get out and I feel lonely. She says Paige is there so I will bring a few CDs she may like and can install on her computer. I look forward to playing dominoes and watching “Are you being served?”, “Keeping up appearances.”, and “As time goes by” with friends. I will see you all in just a bit. Good evening and good bye.

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