Monday, May 24, 2004

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body……

This has been my mantra for awhile now. I have strong beliefs that if can get my body healthy then that will help the health of my mind. I have worked hard today. I am back on my diet. I walked for almost 12 miles. I took my vitamins and fish oil this morning. I am determined to be a healthy man. I long for this so badly.

My father chuckled and said that if I lost some weight and built up some muscle and got my life straightened out that it would be the best thing I could do to get back at my ex-wife. This would drive her crazy with jealousy. I laughed back and said, “You are probably right!” This is not my goal though. I have to do this for myself and if that is a side effect, then so be it.

I had physical therapy this morning and am still sore from it. I just almost could not take it today and almost got up and walked out. An hour long event of sheer torture. Yes, I am being dramatic but it hurts.

I didn’t get to my AA meeting. I walked the several miles there to see that they had put some masking tape over the Monday time slot on the bulletin board. No meeting tonight. I have got to get these times straight. That’s a long walk for nothing but I guess the exercise was good for me.

I feel guilty for something. My mother’s mom lives very, very near to the meeting house and I didn’t visit her. I dread going to see her. If it were my Dad’s mom, I probably would have visited and stayed for hours. I felt so guilty for doing this. I just don’t know if she would like a visit from me. I second guess myself.

Well, I will close. I am watching Colonial House on PBS and find it very interesting. I have it running in a separate window overlaying this program I type with. I will now get back into the storyline. Good night and may this posting find you well.

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