Monday, May 10, 2004

Home Sweet Home……

I finally made it home late yesterday afternoon. I was exhausted from my trip and went to bed early and didn’t write. Alaine came over for awhile and as soon as she left I was in the bed. I slept from 9 PM until 8 AM this morning.

I had a good trip. We all got there for both graduation ceremonies. My sister took the Hippocratic Oath and is now an official medical doctor. We are all proud of her and her endeavors. I know it makes my father proud to see both of his children excel to such high levels.

I will write more later as the day progresses. I am going to fix me a big breakfast and get some spaghetti sauce started on the stove for lunch and supper. I am getting back into my routine. I am going to eat and then sit out on the porch, smoke my pipe, and drink lots of coffee as I peruse the morning paper. Ah, such bliss. I need this.

I may have the option coming up soon to buy my own home and will talk about it later. My father is going to co-sign with me. It will be a 30 year mortgage with the payments being around $300 dollars. I am very excited but this is just tentative but I am so hopeful. We are going to set it up were all my bills are automatically deducted from my disability check. That way, if I ever have a bad spell with my illness, I will still have a home and my utilities taken care of.

Oh well, let me get started cooking. I look forward to a quiet, lazy day filled with afternoon thunderstorms, a good book, and my solitude. See you all later.

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