Monday, May 31, 2004

Poor, poor, pitiful me…….

I am stuck. It is raining. I want to go on my walk but I am being a pussy and don’t want to get wet. It is a light rain but a chilly and uncomfortable seventy one degrees. Hopefully the clouds will break this afternoon and the sun will flood the land and I can get back into my routine.

I spent a long time this morning writing down my past from my early days to college. It helped me to put my feelings and memories down in writing. College was a dark, dark time for me and something that I try to forget but I managed to write it down.

It was during that time that my illness first got to going strong and no one could figure out what was wrong. We tried countless doctors and therapists but nothing helped until I was a grown man and found Dr. Rheddi and she prescribed zyprexa and then Risperdal. It’s a shame I spent all those years in turmoil for nothing when I could have been taking a medicine that has changed my life for the better. Thus goes life though. That’s just the way the ball bounces sometimes.

I worked out in the yard for a long time yesterday afternoon. I pulled weeds and vines out of the azaleas as I listened to sports talk on my radio and then I trimmed them up and got them looking better. I got that mess looking a little more orderly. I am going to do a little bit everyday until I get this yard in tip top shape. Just my way of saying thanks to my father for all he has done lately for me.

I asked him yesterday what are the chances of me getting that house and he was very optimistic. He said he would rather me be putting my money into the equity of a house instead of throwing it away via rent. He wanted me to have a home in case something happened to him. He has got the lawyer working on getting power of attorney over me so he can handle these matters. That scares me but I have grown to trust him lately and realize he wants what is best for me. I gave in and said I would sign the papers when the time came.

He said it would most likely be towards the end of summer before things were finalized and I could move in. I am so excited about this. My own home that is mine with my name on the deed that I can work on and make grow. A nice yard that I can landscape and mold into something that will be a joy for me (I love yard work). Plenty of back yard for a large garden next year where I can grow and can till my hearts content.

Well, I will close and get back to other things. Have a great day and I hope your holiday is not washed out like mine.

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