Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Pieces of a puzzle…..

This is how I feel lately. It’s as if I am an incomplete puzzle and I am slowly putting in the pieces of my life. A more complete picture starts to grow. It’s like when you are a kid and you hold that puzzle box in your hand. You see what it looks like on the outside but inside the box there is this jumbled mess. I am slowly putting my pieces in order. Day by day, Piece by piece, my puzzle is starting to look like a picture. I just want my picture to be that beautiful lighthouse on that New England shore and not some obscure, abstract painting or a dollar store picture of flowers in a vase.

I had another dentist’s appointment today. I wish you all could see the before and after snapshots of my teeth. It’s amazing the progress my humble mouth has made in few short months. The total bill today? $497 bucks. Yikes!!! I will be paying for my teeth for years I do believe. Folks, take care of your teeth.

I went for a long walk this morning and listened to the radio. I was soaking wet with sweat from my fast walking when I returned home. It is very hot and humid here right now. I then fixed some lunch. I fixed enough spaghetti to feed a small army. I will eat it again for supper and then freeze the rest for a future meal. It tasted very good and I have a really easy recipe.

I have been lucky with my schizophrenia lately. No hallucinations or visions. I only see slight ghosting and it is very uncommon. No catatonia or fixating on certain subjects. I have been able to read whole books lately and my concentration has been good. I hope this has something to do with how hard I am trying to be healthy. My Risperdal Consta has made a big difference in my life.

My mother turned to me today and said, “You are a different person lately!”

“How am I different Mom? I cannot see it.” I replied.

“You are just more outgoing and friendly. You call, come over, and talk to us. You do not shut yourself up in your apartment.” She responded.

This made me feel proud and it helps to hear it from a loved one. It helps to hear that my hard work is not going unnoticed. Thanks mom, I love ya!

Well, let me run. I need to get ready for my meeting tonight. I am going to take my camera with me on my walks from now on and will share pictures. See you all later.

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