Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Hike your own hike…

This is a common saying on the Appalachian Trail. Certain purists feel that you should hike the trail a certain way that they think is the right way. I disagree. I feel you should hike your own hike and let your travels take you where they will. Hike your own hike and not someone else’s.

If you are tired then you should rest. If you are in a town to resupply then stay an extra night and resupply your spirits as well. Enjoy a hearty cooked meal and kick up your feet. It’s not the destination but the journey that should be most important.

There is a site called trail journals were people write about their experiences hiking the Appalachian Trail. It is interesting to read about someone’s journey even though you cannot share in the hike in person. Some journals are so so but you can find some real gems amid them as well. I have lost hours reading some of these journals and felt as if I hiking along side the authors.

That link follows this paragraph. If you are interested in hiking and the AT then check it out. It is well worth your time.

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