Friday, May 28, 2004

A Weather Rant…..

Man, I am tired of the Weather Channel. It has gotten too commercialized. I am now going to just walk outside for my weather! :^) For the record, I am weather obsessed. I visit the online radars everyday, several times a day looking for storms.

I can remember when I was a child our weather channel consisted of channel six which was the constant showing of the local radar screen with temperatures scrolling across the bottom. I and my father would sit there for what seemed like hours watching that little line sweep around the radar screen. We would wait in anticipation for that little green blip that might be rain on a hot, dry Alabama July day.

I can remember in the eighties when the weather channel first got going and they had UGLY meteorologists. Just average looking Joes that came on did the weather, and then you got your local forecast.

Now, the weather channel has model looking weather casters, lots and lots of commercials, catchy jingles, and *gasp* those damn storm stories shows. Every time I want to catch the weather storm stories is on. Seems to never fail for me to catch this show and not get the weather forecast I want

Well, I will quit whining. I just needed to rant this morning. LOL, yes, my life is boring.

/end of rant

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