Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Blood Moon Rising……….

Tonight is such a beautiful night. It is warm with a slight breeze. The air outside has this sense of calmness and of contentment. A full blood moon is rising on the horizon and will pass over during the night and be on the other horizon in the morning. She will be a bright white by then. The air is filled with the sounds of night time insects and from my neighbor’s neglected pool the tree frogs are calling.

I had all the windows open but had to close them. My monitor was becoming moth central until I turned on all the lights in the room and closed the windows and drew the blinds. I am still guiltily flicking moths to their doom as I write this.

Alaine came over for a long time after she got finished with choir practice. We sat and talked for over an hour. She told me of her day filled with trials and tribulations. She also brought me half a pound cake she had baked this morning. I love a good pound cake and broke my diet tonight. I smeared butter on a slice and browned it in the toaster oven upstairs and it was heavenly. I still have its taste in my mouth as I write this. I washed it down with an ice cold glass of milk and it was so delicious.

She is a great cook and takes orders from people at her church to bake things. Tomorrow she has an order of cheese straws that her customer requested to be extra spicy so she said she will double the amount of cayenne pepper. I love cheese straws and I hope she brings a few my way. I also love spicy foods and will relish the extra zip she is adding. We really need to get in the kitchen together as we both love to cook and explore new recipes. I look forward to sharing those moments with her and maybe we will soon.

My report from the doctor came back fine. I have elevated levels of blood sugar and he thinks my metabolism is off so we are going to start with a daily regimen of glucophage. He hopes this will regulate my blood sugar and the weight will fall off. I have tried so hard lately to diet and have lost a fleetingly small amount of pounds.

My mother takes Zyprexa for her schizophrenia and she has started to take glucophage lately and lost lots of weight on top of her dieting. I have hopes that this will work as well for me too.

Well, I am up way past my bedtime. My eyes are droopy and I am having a hard time staying awake. I doubt I will lie in the bed and read by candlelight tonight. I am so sleepy and think I will just turn on my fan to medium and drift away. Good night world and goodnight blood moon. The next time I see you the next morning you will be bright white.

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