Tuesday, July 07, 2015

And the Verdict is?

Broken foot.  Now, I have this big monstrosity of a brace on my leg and foot which I have to wear for three weeks.  Luckily, I can take it off before going to bed.  I look and sound like Frankenstein’s monster milling about this house, and the Magster doesn’t quite know what to do with me at the moment.  She’s scared of me and fascinated at the same time when I come clunking down the hall.  To make the picture complete all I would have to do is moan and lurch like a brain eating zombie.


glittermom said...

Were you able to get groceries? Glad your mother got involved.....moms sometimes know best.....

Michelle said...

So sorry to hear about your foot. I hope the next 3 weeks go fast for you! Take care.

Kran's Crackers said...

Sorry your foot is broken. Feel better soon.