Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Just a Friendly Ride Down the Interstate…

32170-1Mom and I embark on a little trip to Books-a-Million down on the plains of Auburn this morning.  I am way ahead of the game having gotten up at 6am. She is supposed to call me at 9am to make sure I am up. We leave at 10am eastern time.

I slow simmered my spaghetti meat sauce all night and I was hoping it turned out well and it did this morning. The whole house smelled so wholesome of spaghetti sauce.   All it needs is a little salt, a liberal sprinkle of parmesan cheese, and it is done. I’ve boiled the noodles and mixed them in which will further thicken the sauce until lunch rolls around.

On an interesting note, we had a whopper of a  violent electrical storm roll through just at dusk last night and we didn’t get power back on until hours later after midnight. I opened up the screened in porch and some windows in the back of the house, which Maggie loved, to get a cool breeze blowing through the house.   I also had to unload all my groceries in the dark as well which proved interesting with my gimped and broken foot. I was watching the end of a movie, Interstellar, on my iPad when the power thankfully clicked back on and all my gadgets, lights, and doodads came back on and whirred to life.

As I had surmised on the shopping front, dad had a hissy fit that I was cooking all week.  I got a ton of food for my money, though, and he had to agree.


glittermom said...

I wondered what type of book your mother likes to read? I read constantly but am selective what I read.

glittermom said...
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PipeTobacco said...


I am in a questioning mood today, so:

1. Why on Earth would your father be disgruntled if you wished to cook for yourself for a week instead of eating frozen food?!?

2. Did you try out Windows 10? If so, what did you think? I have 7 myself. Why did Microsoft think it was not ok to call it Windows 9?

3. How are things going with that Laura? I do find what you mentioned about her discussions on FaceBook to be worrisome.... so please be careful. While oral gratification can be quite enjoyable for both partners, it seems to write an graphic instruction manual on how a woman may conduct this sort of behavior upon a male and then publish it on FaceBook would be a bit uncouth.

4. Are you still refraining from tobacco in all forms?

5. I do not know if you ever mentioned... do you read much in the form of books? If so, what sorts of fiction do you prefer? Science fiction, or police novels, or detective novels or what?

Your friend,
