Friday, July 03, 2015

Guten Morgen…

My ex-wife and I still fight fervently and viciously in my dreams.  We were having a knock down, drag out fight when Maggie abruptly woke me this morning whining or whinging as the British say. I guess it is my penance to pay for the downhill spiral that was our marriage.

“What’s wrong, girl?” I sleepily asked the Maggins who stood by the bed furiously wagging her tail.

She led me into the laundry room and I had forgotten to open her dog door this morning.  She got to barking around midnight last night and I got her in with the promise of bologna and quickly locked the door for my neighbor’s sake.  I didn’t fall asleep until almost 3am last night as Maggie “cough barked” by my side.  Maggie went tearing out that dog door when I opened it this morning.  I tell ya when ya gotta go ya gotta go.  Maggie secretively made sure no one was looking and did her business.

Ace in the Hole…

anxietyI realized I am just a trifle when it comes to Laura whom I am chatting with on the internet.  She has hopes of moving back in with her long time boyfriend Richard and I am just plan B or C.  She wrote on Facebook yesterday that they are having talks about it.  If all else fails, then she can turn to me.  Her long time boyfriend wrote “Miss You!” on her Facebook homepage yesterday.  I am probably just going to ignore her chat requests today.  I am getting too old and way too jaded for games such as these and she does so with this childlike innocence – kind of simple minded.  I’m worth more than that and deserve better. Hell, I don’t need to be dating anyway with my social anxiety the way it is these days.

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