Friday, July 31, 2015

Helen’s Soul Food Fridays…

hamburger steak and brown gravyHelen cooked beef patties and gravy today which I love to eat with A1 sauce.  She also made a big batch of her now famous deviled eggs.  I can eat a half dozen of those things even though I got only three on my plate today.  She also cooked steamed cabbage which is great with a little Southern style sport pepper hot sauce sprinkled on top.  I got my cornbread when it was still piping hot and slathered it with butter.  Woo wee Aunt Bea.  Can you say cholesterol? I can!

Tonight is Horsefly’s 44th birthday party.  The doctors all said he would never live past 25.   Charlie has invited over 60 people for this “little” bash.  Sadly, I will not be attending – my social anxieties getting in the way.  Three’s a crowd in my playbook.  Charlie called me and said he would make sure I got some burgers out of the deal.  He is diligently cooking burgers on his grills at the moment.  “Wish you would come!” Charlie said to me as I politely declined and hung up the phone.

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amelia said...

Respectfully, what actually, is wrong with Horsefly?

Andrew said...

Honestly Amelia,

I am not quite sure. Autism, umbilical cord wrapped around his neck, and mental retardation have all been used over the years. I forget he was castrated as a teen which would affect his appearance.

amelia said...

Good grief!! Why castrated?

Rita said...

Amelia, I have a friend who worked in a state school, then known for retarded. Someone like Horsefly would go through puberty and have the same urges as any man. She said they would find their residents engaged in sex anywhere and everywhere. They had the urges, but no mental ability to understand the outcome, and therefore, no ability to raise children who could have been the product of such endeavors. I remember having a conversation with someone else who thought that sterilization of mentally challenged people was a terrible thing to do. I happen to know a man who is the product of such a situation, both of his parents are mentally limited. He has his own challenges, but intelligence is not one. He as a 30+ year old man has never and will never go through puberty. Something from his parents dna has prevented this from happening, in spite of medication.

amelia said...

Rita, I don't think it's a terrible thing to do at all. I'm just shocked that it's still done! I can think of many people who should be castrated, just look at all the paedophiles etc but all the bleeding hearts say it's against their human rights so it's not done. I think it's a great thing in the right circumstances.