Sunday, July 05, 2015

She Got a Whiff Of Something Being Wrong…

Charlie told my mother about my foot much to my chagrin.  I was just talking on the phone with him. I was kind of miffed that Charlie did that. 

“You're momma knows best,” Charlie said adamantly. “She can get things done of this sort.”

“But Charlie, mom is going to call me ten times today obsessively and I can barely make it to the phone.”

Charlie couldn't help but chuckle at the obsessive phone calls.

Well, mom is going to get an appointment to see Dr. Martin.  I always got tickled at mom as she says Dr. Martin is “dreamy”.  This is why we call my mother the secretary as she’s a mover and a shaker.  My mother gets things done with a unrelenting and dogged determination.

1 comment:

Jan said...

You call your mom the secretary, we call my mom the Steam Roller. Same mode of operation, the only difference is that y'all from the south say nicer things?