Sunday, July 05, 2015

Help! A Podiatrist Please?

1224143839Yesterday, I was exiting my parent’s house with my arms full of food containers. I had too much to carry. Sometimes, I can be a total dumbass as well. I should’ve made two trips. Well, I got halfway down the back deck steps and fell. Hard.  I twisted my foot something terribly and can barely walk on it.

“Do you want to go to urgent care?” Charlie asked me worriedly last night.

“Let’s wait a few days and see if it heals,” I replied.  “Charlie?  Don’t tell mom or she will obsess over this like crazy.”

At one point, the pain was incredibly painful and excruciating, but now feels mostly sore. I do hope my foot is not broken.  It is swollen to almost double the size as my right foot.

Charlie just has brought breakfast.  He also said he is going on a scavenger hunt today to find me some decent crutches.   Charlie is so kind.  He has now left to go get my sodas from mom knowing I can barely walk and that I can’t do it..

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Christina said...

Tons of ice and elevate it. You may not have broken a one but maybe pulled or tore something. If it isn't better by Monday, you should go to urgent care.

Im not a doctor but I read Readers Digest. :)

Feel better soon!

Jan said...

Christina^ is so right...Elevate (above your heart), ice and rest! If it is not better, get professional help!

~sigh~ women who read Readers Digest are soooo smart!

amelia said...

What Christina and Jan said!!

glittermom said...

It's probably your ankle...I would go to an urgent care if ones open now and not wait till Monday...if something wrong better to not wait....

Tee said...

If you foot is that swollen you should have it check out, it could be broken or just cracked. I broke my foot and it was swollen and discolored and I could not walk on it. Check it out, Vern.

Rita said...

I bet it hurts like the Dickens. I hope you have it checked out. You are going to be off your feet for a while.

One time I stepped on the edge of a sidewalk and my foot rolled over on its side. It hurt, badly. I wrapped it in an ace bandage and carried on for weeks, thinking it would eventually get better. I went to my doctor. He told me that a sprain is worse than a break, and takes longer to heal. He prescribed an ankle brace. I wore it for about 2 months. It helped my ankle to be stable, and it did feel better and get better.