Thursday, July 02, 2015

Three Reuben's Please…

hershey“Are you going to eat both those Reuben sandwiches?” my mother asked incredulously as I paid for our meal.

“I sure am,” I replied with a silly grinning smirk. “I am on reprieve of my diet for one day.”

I was just ravishingly starving with my diet imbuing a sense of deprivation upon me.

Mom and I sat quietly eating our delicious suppers in a mostly deserted Arby’s.  The only noise being the incessant and thankfully soft drone of the television on the wall.

“I am also going to eat a king sized milk chocolate bar when I get home,” I told her breaking a long silence. “I am going to savor every bite.”

“Oh, that sounds so good!” my mother exclaimed. “Let’s stop at the Circle K and get me a candy bar.” 

Mom and I have strikingly similar taste buds.  My father says we have a child’s taste in food.

Charlie arrived earlier at 7pm and gave me my medications.  He was in a congenial mood as Maggie fawned all over him and put on a grand show of affection. Maggie looked like a lost puppy as Charlie got in his car and drove off. 

“You’ll see him tomorrow stinker,” I told her as she looked out the window sitting on the couch.

Charlie told me he is grilling burgers and steaks for the 4th of July festivities. 

“I’ll make sure you get a big plate full of food,” he said to me as he cleaned my kitchen. 

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