Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Katydids and Sweet Iced Tea…

Nights like tonight remind me of the summers spent on my grandmother’s farm.  We would sit out on the front porch drinking sweet iced tea as the katydids sang their mating songs. One of us would start to yawn contagiously and then we all soon went inside to head for bed.  My grandmother would turn on the air conditioning in my front bedroom and I thought is was the most wondrous thing ever invented.  I would always turn the vents directed down on me and cover up good from the chill.  The drone of the window air conditioning unit would lull me to sleep eventually and I would wake up in what seemed like mere moments to the smell of fresh brewed coffee and that of frying bacon or sausage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What lovely memories of your grandmother's farm!

I'm sorry to hear that your foot is broken, Andrew, but I'm glad you got it sorted.
