Thursday, July 30, 2015

Comment Reply to Sir Pipe Tobacco…

I am in a questioning mood today, so:
1. Why on Earth would your father be disgruntled if you wished to cook for yourself for a week instead of eating frozen food?!?
2. Did you try out Windows 10? If so, what did you think? I have 7 myself. Why did Microsoft think it was not ok to call it Windows 9?
3. How are things going with that Laura? I do find what you mentioned about her discussions on FaceBook to be worrisome.... so please be careful. While oral gratification can be quite enjoyable for both partners, it seems to write an graphic instruction manual on how a woman may conduct this sort of behavior upon a male and then publish it on FaceBook would be a bit uncouth.
4. Are you still refraining from tobacco in all forms?
5. I do not know if you ever mentioned... do you read much in the form of books? If so, what sorts of fiction do you prefer? Science fiction, or police novels, or detective novels or what?
Your friend,

Andrew Replies…

1. Pipe, he feels I will not clean up my kitchen after my cooking and other assorted arcane asinine problems.  Sometimes, I think my father is just a tad mentally ill himself.  My mother and I have driven him to it sadly it seems.

2. I have not tried Windows 10 (still waiting on it to download and install on my Windows 8.1 Pro machine which I use for mainly browsing the internet) I have reserved my copy via email.  I assume Windows 9 was still far too tablet orientated and they skipped it after their experiences with Windows 8 and 8.1 and all the confusion those two operating systems caused.  I am not installing it on my Windows 7 gaming machine.  Because I know if I do, I will start having compatibility problems with my games.

3. Laura and I are set to go eat Mexican at El Rio Grande here in the Valley today at 5PM.  I am picking her up at her parent’s home in Lagrange and we will be driving to the restaurant. I told her I would take her where she wants to go and she wanted Mexican food.   Strangely, I am not nervous.  I was a nervous wreck the first date and dad said it was a marvel I went through with it with all my social anxieties.  My therapist was flabbergasted that I went that first time as well.

4. Pipe, don’t tell my family, hehe, but I still occasionally quite enjoy a Swisher Sweet cigar. I love the way those cigars taste and smell.

5. Pipe, I haven’t been reading any books lately unfortunately.  


diana said...

The name of each Windows release doesn’t actually match the real version number. For example, Windows 8.1 is actually version 6.3 of Windows. Windows 10 is version 6.4. The last time the release name actually matched the version number was Windows NT 4.0, which was released back in 1996. Windows 2000, which was called NT 5.0 during development, was actually version 5.0. Windows XP was version 5.1. Windows Vista was 6.0, Windows 7 was 6.1, Windows 8 was 6.2, and Windows 8.1 is version 6.3. So 10 is a strong sounding number and it gives a wee bit of distance from Windows 8.
There is a rumour also that the number 9 is considered unlucky in Japan. Microsoft has a big enough presence in Japan that it may have skipped Windows 9 to avoid any weirdness or ill will.

Summer said...

Buy a dishwasher the next time you go to Best Buy.