Friday, July 03, 2015

My Home is My Castle…


It happened again just a moment ago.  Some nefarious looking dude knocking on my door as Maggie went ape shit bananas.  I looked out the windows in the door and it was a middle aged black man with decent clothes and some gray in his hair – no doubt wanting to “borrow” some money.  He knocked five more times till my social anxieties were reeling.  He then left and knocked on Joyce’s door and stood there ten minutes waiting for someone to answer. I chuckled.  Unless Joyce has arisen from the grave, then no one was going to answer that door.  He then headed down to Mr. McClellan's house on the corner.  Mr. McClellan recently had a heart attack and probably doesn’t need all that going on.

Mom just called me and Helen is busy cooking a pot roast with potatoes, carrots, and onions.  Doesn’t that sound delicious?  We are also having steamed cabbage, cole slaw, and cornbread.  

“Let’s go get a candy bar after I get my hair fixed,” mom told me. “I will pick you up around 2ish.”

I already know what I want.  I want two king size Reese’s peanut butter cups and two king sized Hershey’s milk chocolate bars. Mom wants a king sized Milky Way bar.


Summer said...

Yes, that does sound delicious. I almost forgot how to spell delicious. I hope you and Mom have a nice afternoon and dinner.

Jan said...

So is it true that calories don't count on holiday weekends? Maybe it's that when your dad is away, they don't count?

Don't mind me, I'm slightly mouth is watering at the thought of peanut butter cups, but there are none near by!

Happy 4th,