Wednesday, June 20, 2018

A Place Where I Belong…

I’ve finally found a place where I belong. The whole staff at the Humane Society has welcomed me in as if I am family. It makes you want to work all the harder. I don’t think I could’ve taken another string of days with nothing to do but sit in front of my computer all day.

I was early this morning at eight when they opened. I got busy doing my chores and was finished by lunchtime. I brought all the dogs back into the inside kennels just as a young couple were surveying the dogs and trying to decide on one to bring home.

“We need a small dog,” they told me and decided on a little mutt much like my Maggie.

She’s a sweet dog and is going to get a great home I hope. I’d bring them all home with me if I had the space and a big enough backyard – just what my father warned me about.

Grocery Store Redux…

Dad forgot a lot of things the other night at Kroger and is going to go again tonight.

“Do you need anything? Do you want to go?” He asked.

“I would like the stuff to fix my spaghetti and I forgot my two boxes of unfrosted strawberry Pop-tarts Monday night.”

He said that was fine and he is going to pick me up at 8:45 PM. I was kind of stunned he said okay.

1 comment:

Sharyn said...

I am so happy for you!