Thursday, June 07, 2018

Martha Mode…

Lounging in the backyard“What’s wrong?” my father asked over the phone this morning after he answered and I said a feeble and aggravated hello.

“I am just in Martha mode this morning,” I told my father with much consternation. “Everything is worrying me and I have so much to do today. I need my shower as my hair is greasy, I don’t have any gas, and I’ve got to get Maggie to the veterinarian.”

“We’ll take this one step at a time,” my father said. “You take a shower while I take my daily walk. I’ll call you when I get back and you can meet me at the Circle K and we’ll fill up both our cars, and then you can take Maggie to the Vet.”

“Don’t forget to take your noon medications,” my father aptly added.

Finally, a game plan. I felt much better. It’s time for Maggie’s yearly checkup and I can’t put it off any longer. I am just going to leave her overnight so they can get everything done. She needs some TLC like her rabies vaccination, her nails clipped, a bath, and she might have an ear infection. I want Dr. Jerry to give her a thorough going over. 

1 comment:

Sharyn said...

Poor doggy! Her yearly sleep away. Can't the vet do it in one visit? We get nails and rabies at one time, in about 30 min total. She's small. Can't you just take her in the shower with you? She's old and being in a strange place esp when they aren't used to being boarded, can make her very sad. And you don't want her to have any more meds than she normally takes.

And you were all alone. I sure know how that feels!!