Thursday, June 14, 2018

Whimper? Or a Bang?

It seems to me the blog is dying or petering out. The blog got less than 100 readers today and that is the first time that has happened since I first started blogging back in the early 2000’s. I wish I could come up with more interesting material to write, but I only have my life to write about. I try to write about it in an interesting way using dialogue and I hope what is descriptive writing. Where are George and the Gang when I need them?

Everybody that used to read my blog seems to be on Facebook, but I dislike Facebook for some reason. It seems too commercialized and helter skelter for my tastes to quote Charles Manson. It is also extremely time consuming if you have a lot of friends. I guess I am just an old dinosaur still stuck in the blog world. 

I am still going to write the blog for the faithful few remaining. Thank you for those of you who still read. I won’t just go out with a bang and quit writing suddenly and disappear. I promise you that. You have my solemn word.

New Routine Forming…

It seems dad and I are meeting around 12 noon for a sandwich and Dr. Phil everyday. I usually call him around eleven each morning and he will ask me to come over. I have to remind my father that Dr. Phil is making millions off of other people’s problems.

“I am waiting on Phil’s personal scandal any day now,” dad said chuckling today.

“I am wondering what they pay these people to get on national TV and air all their dirty laundry,” I replied. 

Dad cooked hash last night and we had hash, fresh baked biscuits, and pear salad for lunch. It was delicious and I brought some hash home for Maggie as well.


Sharyn said...

I remember when you made quite the living off of blogging! LOL Yep, they died out. The only real blogs you see now are pros writing for companies. We are dinosaurs, my friend. Someone asked me if I tanked in the "dot com" fiasco and I told them no, spam laws killed my income. Remember when you just "farmed" email addresses from groups, made a list then sold or rented the list to companies to target? Even thehomelessguy is gone and I miss him. Remember "Liz" who had a dog Sadie and wrote a nice blog?

Please keep writing! We have all become a family here.....

PipeTobacco said...

Of your thoughts and feelings...or opinions...or aspirations
Many of us are very faithful to your blog. I am not sure that the numbers .matter all that much...It is more the qualities of the readers.

But, you could perhaps try some ways to get more views if so inclined. Perhaps write additionally about more of your. Thoughts dreams or feelings. Or your opinions. Perhaps about what your future dreams are. Or perhaps start a fiction story? You could also potentially visit and comment on other blogs ( I think it has been years since you visited mine for instance. To drum up traffic. There are a variety of options that are potential.

I think it would be fascinating if you purposefully tried to write a wild, fun, innovative fiction story. I bet you'd fed a ton of folks reading.

But then again, I am probably jut full of shit at the moment. I had a couple of beers after work and feel pleasantly silly and curmudgeonly. :)


Kran's Crackers said...

Those of us who have been reading your blog for years are still hanging on. You have a conversational style of writing that makes us feel as if we are all your friends, even though we've never spoken. I appreciate you sharing your life with us.
- Sharon -

skinny minny said...

I like reading your blog I have been for more years than I can remember...not quite from the beginning but pretty close. I would miss you it would feel like losing a friend. I have several blogs I read still. My own has gone the way of the dinosaurs mainly because I just don't have time and thats why I like facebook quick status updates and move on. but even there I go days without posting...