Friday, June 29, 2018

This Continental is Not Done Yet!

Automobile radiatorJermaine’s Lincoln was what we affectionately called a land yacht in mechanic’s school. The car is huge. Continental is an apt name for this car.

“Have you got a garden hose?” I asked Jermaine this morning. “We are going to fill up the radiator and let the coolant system pressurize.”

Jermaine came around the house with the end of a garden hose and I put it in the opening of the radiator.

“Turn on the water,” I told him.

By this time, Jermaine was severely winded and here I thought I was out of shape.

We filled up the radiator and I went to crank the car and it turned over and over and over and reluctantly fired to life. We used my car to jump the car off as the battery was dead as a doornail in the land yacht.

“How did you do that?” Jermaine asked flabbergasted. “My uncle said the car was dead.”

I could see the leak in his radiator and asked Jermaine if he could afford to buy one.

“How much is going to cost?” he asked warily.

“Probably around $150 to $200 (guessing) at AutoZone,” I told him. “They will have to order it. We need to get some antifreeze as well and we might as well flush the system with some cooling system cleaner.”

He said he would try to get up the money.

It was getting close to noon and I had to leave for lunch and to take my medications. I told Jermaine I would get back in touch with him about things.


glittermom said...

Hope he can come up with the money..does he have any family that help him?

Sharyn said...

Good for you! How ever, now he will never leave you alone at the market, you are buddies!! LOL