Sunday, June 24, 2018

Life Goes On…

KFC-Chicken-Pot-PieI thought Charlie and my father would never arrive tonight for KFC Sundays. It was around 9:30 when Charlie’s car came creeping up to the curb. Maggie was beside herself with worry and fret. I had told her they were coming two hours ago expecting them much earlier.

“Charlie’s brokering something about his house on his phone,” dad said rolling his eyes as he came inside. “We sat in KFC’s parking lot for thirty minutes.”

Old Fuss and Feathers had Maggie’s and my chicken pot pies and some drinks. Maggie ate a whole KFC chicken pot pie tonight. I bet she is about to pop.

“Here’s your Risperdal injection. Let’s put it in the fridge,” my father said. “Don’t forget to get your injection this Tuesday. I’m putting a lot of trust in you. Charlie is going to call you Tuesday and make sure you’re up and going.”

“I won’t let you down,” I said as I promised. “I think you will be very pleasantly surprised if you put more trust in me.”

Dad is going out of town for a few days for some reason. He said something about my brother, but I don’t remember the details. It could be Evelyn’s funeral which I believe is Wednesday. I am not going as I don’t have any dress clothes to wear and I would hate to go in blue jeans.

Edited for Clarity and Inclusion…

1 comment:

Jan said...

In control of your injection? That's a major accomplishment!