Monday, June 18, 2018

Charlie the Great!

Charlie called me late this afternoon to congratulate me on the car. I was expecting my father when I answered the phone.

“It took long enough, didn't it?” Charlie said laughing.

“I had given up all hopes of ever getting that car,” I told Charlie laughing back. “I never even asked about it anymore.”

“Your mother would have been so proud,” Charlie said. “You always take such good care of your cars.”

“I’ve got a surprise for you so meet me at the curb. I am turning the corner down the street onto your street right now,” Charlie then said.

“Charlie’s here!” I said loudly to Maggie who quickly and alertly jumped up into the window.

Maggie squealed with glee when Charlie pulled up to the curb.

Charlie gave me a sack of ice cold leaded Coca-Colas and a big gigantic box of trash bags. I couldn’t thank him enough. Those Cokes sure would hit the spot. He had made my day. He had used my last trash bag last night taking out the trash on their KFC Sunday visit. This greatly increases my grocery budget tonight. It means I can afford that $10 worth of Mrs. Grissom’s gourmet chicken salad after all.

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