Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Atkins, Carbs, enough already!

I am sitting here drinking an ice cold lemon/lime Gatorade. It tastes awesome and so refreshing. I love Gatorade and would drink it all the time if it wasn’t so expensive to buy. My thermometer is showing 86 degrees here in my apartment so today is a good day to drink it.

I have had a good day. I went to physical therapy this morning and made it through it. I am showing lots of progress. I soon hope to be back to normal. I will always have some limits in my shoulder’s motion but I am lucky to be alive after that accident. The police officer was amazed I could stand up and walk fine and that I didn’t have terrible road rash.

I had a conversation with my brother, the physician, this morning. We got on the subject of the Atkins diet. You see it everywhere now. Every time I go to the grocery store I see it all over the labels and all kinds of new products touting low carbs. You see all the fast food establishments advertising some new, crappy low carb item they are pushing. It aggravates me for some reason.

“So what do you think about the low carb phenomenon?” I asked him.

“It’s a fad and can be dangerous for some people.” He replied. “It will fade in a few months.”

“How can it be dangerous?” I followed up.

“People that have health problems may be missing out on important nutrition by cutting all those things out. People usually don’t know it but things such as carbohydrates and fats are important parts of our diets.” He relied.

“What is the best diet? I am trying to lose twenty pounds.” I questioned him.

“Moderation is the best diet. Eat a nutritious meal three times a day and eat in moderation. Also, exercise at least once a day until your breathing increases and your heart rate goes up. Diet and exercise are key to losing weight and there is no quick fix or fad to replace hard work and diligence.” He said.

“Thanks Doc! I will talk to you later bro!” I closed and hung up the phone.

That’s exactly what I have been trying to do. Eat three healthy meals and walk many miles everyday. I think I will stick to that plan.

Off to the fishing hole I go. I am ready to get on the water and enjoy my favorite pastime. I will cast an extra line out for ya! G’day mates!

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