Monday, June 21, 2004

Meetings “R” Us………

I went to my AA meeting last night. It was interesting. We had a speaker meeting and a professor from a local college talked. You can find and meet people from all walks of life at AA. She was very articulate and dramatic. It made the hour fly by. She had an interesting story to tell and had lived most of her life as an immigrant in Canada. I cannot say too much as we are not supposed to talk about what goes on in the meetings. We do this to protect everyone’s anonymity.

I sometimes think of AA as a very successful cult. It has all the makings of one. You have really rigid set routines. Everyone speaks in an AA language. It takes awhile to get used to it and sometimes it can put you off. If I hear “one day at a time” or “it works if you work it” or “keep coming back” one more time my brain will explode.

As the meeting was almost over, I heard large rumbles of thunder outside. Oh crap I thought to myself. I had a very long walk home. It would take me almost 30 to 45 minutes. As soon as the meeting wrapped up I hit the sidewalk and started hoofing it. I could hear the strong crash of thunder all around me and see the flashes above the horizon. I finally made it home just as the heavens open up. Whew I thought as I wiped the sweat off my brow. I had made in home in a record 25 minutes. I was doing some serious speed walking.

I have physical therapy soon and I dread it. My arm is much better now. I can put on a belt without assistance and can actually wear button up shorts again. For a long time I did not have the strength in my left arm to button my pants. I can also wear button up shirts now as well instead of just t-shirts. I can get my arm far back enough to get it in the shirt sleeve. Well, have a great day and I will talk again later. I need to go grab a shower and a shave to get cleaned up for my appointment.

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