Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Comments are fubar this morning……

The comments on my last post are goofed up for some reason so I decided to write my reply here.

Plark, Stu, Pipe, thanks for your comments. I appreciate it. Sorry for my sob story last night. I was just having a hell of a day and my illness was acting up as well. I sometimes do not handle stress very well and I have a tough week ahead with tons of physical therapy and appointments.

I feel better this morning. I had one more beer and went to bed. I did not have a hangover this morning.

One reason I have to be so careful with my drinking is simple. It really doesn’t have to be about me being an alcoholic or not. My parents are very strict about this. One of the reasons I became homeless was that my father worried if he let me rent out this apartment, I would get horribly drunk and catch it on fire or he would get caught in some kind of litigation over me. It’s an irrational fear of his but I can see his side of the story. I never, ever got pissed drunk when I drank. It was mainly usually a six pack or a few more and then bed time. You wouldn’t find me selling all my possessions at the pawn shop for more money either and he worried for some strange reason that things would start to disappear around the house.

I have worked really hard to rebuild a relationship with my parents. They trust me now and even come over to see me many days. I fear I would ruin that trust if they came over here and I had a beer in my hand. They didn’t speak or have anything to do with me for a very long time and I am afraid to ruin all the trust I have won back. I have to be very careful about this.

I think from now on if I must have a drink. I will do it while camping. That way no harm is done and they would never know. (My folks aren’t coming back into the woods at night I assure you. They are not the outdoorsy types) I can put a six pack in my backpack and lug it with me. We will see how this solution works.

Again thanks for your comments and I hope you all have a great day.

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