Saturday, June 26, 2004

Mexican Train Dominoes….

I was out for most of the morning cutting the grass. I finally got my late grandmother’s old lawnmower running. I drained the gas and the oil and replenished them. I also changed the oil soaked spark plug. With just a couple of pulls it fired into life. As I was just finishing the back yard up drove Alaine. I turned off the mower and walked up to the driveway.

“Hey you!” She said as she stepped from the car. I could see Paige already sitting in the back seat.

“Do you want to come and play dominoes? We are going to get a game started.” She asked.

“Sure, I would love too. I really enjoy playing with you all.” I replied.

“Do you want to ride with me?” Alaine asked.

I hesitated. Alaine’s driving makes me nervous. I don’t want to make any woman readers angry but she drives like a typical woman. Worse than my mother to be frank.

“I need to take a shower and change clothes and then I will drive over in just a few minutes.” I replied.

Whew, I got out of this one today. I was lucky. Paige crawled out of the back seat to get in the front. We said our goodbyes and I went in to get cleaned up. I was a sweaty mess and had green grass stains on my t-shirt from emptying the bag on the lawn mower. I then jumped in the car and drove over to her house.

After arriving we moved around some chairs and got ready to play. Mexican train dominoes is a really fun game. It is one part luck and one part strategy. You have to plan carefully the order in which you lay down your bones(dominoes). I ended up coming in second out of four. Alain came in as the winner after thirteen rounds. At the end of each round you have to tally up the score of your remaining dominoes when someone wins. We all can get quite heated during this process. It is all in good fun though. We popped kettle popcorn and all drank some diet sodas during a break.

After the game, I was put on the spot by Alaine’s mother.

“Play me something on the piano.” She asked. “I do love to hear that old player piano getting played.”

My face turned bright red. I am very timid about performing in front of others but I relented just this one time. The only songs I knew by memory were a Duke Ellington Jazz ensemble, Amazing Grace, and the Peanuts theme song. An eclectic and odd mix I might add. I played them all back to back and made it through it without embarrassing myself. They all clapped and Alaine’s mom cried, “Bravo!” My face blushed an even brighter shade of red.

After that, I got on Alaine’s computer and fixed her monitor. It was very blurry and I calibrated the screen. I then got online and signed them up for the National Do Not Call Registry. They have been getting tons of telemarketing calls and it was driving both of them crazy. I assured them the calls would stop within a few days. After that I left and drove home. All in all it was a good day and I feel fulfilled. I like easy going days like today spent with friends. I am slowly regaining my social skills. Good night and I hope your Saturday was good as well.

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