Thursday, June 24, 2004

Homeward bound……

I had a wonderful night last night. I fixed a strong pot of coffee and poured me a steaming hot mug with some milk and sat out on the porch. I filled the bowl of my pipe with Sir Walter Raleigh and lit it. I inhaled the rich and hearty smoke as I took in my surroundings. The tree frogs were peeping and the relaxing call of katydids filled the air. Other than an overcast sky, it was a perfect evening. My eyelids grew heavy and my yawning increased. I walked back into the house. I turned on the air conditioner and curled up amid the covers on my bed. After not too long, I was sound asleep.

I awoke this morning feeling refreshed and rested. I sleep the whole night through without ever waking up. I really appreciate being able to sleep so well. For a long time after I first moved in my apartment, I couldn’t sleep. I would lie on the floor on top of my sleeping bag for hours in the dark. I finally got used to a bed. My accident forced this on me as it was too uncomfortable and painful to lie on the floor with a broken arm. I would have to lie flat on my back on the mattress to ease the pain and get some sleep.

I have a big day planned today. I have physical therapy at 11 pm and then I am going to eat at the hospital cafeteria. They have wonderful food there and it only costs $5 a plate.

Today will also be the first day that I return to driving status. My parent’s feel my arm is healed enough to be able to drive and are letting me borrow my late grandmother’s old car for awhile. I am headed to Waverly this afternoon if the rain holds off. There is a 70 percent chance for rain but it looks like it may be erroneous. The sun is currently shining and heating up the air.

I am going to gather all my camping and fishing gear and head to the millpond for tonight. I have the strong urge to just get away and get in the woods. I have to run by the grocery store and gather some provisions. I am going to make my favorite camp food, hoboes. Hoboes are ground beef patties covered with onions, potatoes, and carrots and smothered in a tomato/mustard sauce. You wrap it in several layers of aluminum foil and cook it in the coals of your fire after it has burned down some.

Well, off I go. I will write tomorrow of my experiences. I am going now to seam seal my tent to prepare for any rain and then I am heading to PT. Good day and be well.

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