Thursday, June 17, 2004

Living in a vacuum…….

I got an email this morning from a friend. He was talking about the 9/11 commissions findings on Iraq’s involvement in the terrorist attacks. I just heard about it.

I do not watch the news and have distanced myself from the media. I get tired of the constant fear mongering and lax reporting. I rarely even read a newspaper most days now. I feel that if something is truly important I will hear about via word of mouth. Today was a case in point. I carefully control what enters my head and mainly use the internet so I can chose what I read.

I wrote back that I was not surprised at all. I said only a simpleton could believe that Iraq had anything to do with that. They were no more of a threat than North Korea or Cuba in my opinion. I was a carefully planned ploy to fulfill our current administrations ambitions. War = good for the economy. Good economy = re-election. Flawed logic but I felt this was our goal. I still feel this to be true.

Politics tend to bore me. I feel it is an exercise in frustration. I wrote a long paragraph back to Joe about my frustrations. I get frustrated with our current form of democracy and how our current system works. I talked about how politicians promise big things and then renege on them after election. I said that due to our current choices in politicians the majority tend to just walk in, put an X down on a popular choice and walk away for four more years. Our apathy with the truth and with politics keeps giving us the same lack luster administrations over and over, republican and democrat alike. There is very little accountability in our current system or it is terribly slow to be applied.

I have broken one of my cardinal rules with this blog by talking about politics. I try to stay away from it but this topic just hit home with me. I look forward to Joe’s reply as he is currently in Iraq and his stories are interesting. He says what is being reported and what is actually going on over there are vastly different. I trust him to tell me what is really going on. A captain in the Army actually on the front lines is a far more reliable source of information than I will trust in him for my news about the war.

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