Monday, March 15, 2010

Midday Report…

“I can’t sleep. We’re going to get something to eat and I won’t take no for an answer,” George said at lunch. I laughed. Oooo-kay!

George got his Caprice back this morning from getting a dual exhaust installed and it is loud, but not redneck loud. I was relieved. We went rumbling down the street to the Waffle House. The V8 sounds very throaty.


“I get tired of momma’s cooking,” George told me as he drove. “She be having chicken salad for lunch.”

BLASPHEMY!” I thought. George needs to walk in my shoes filled with microwave meals for a few weeks. He would be begging his mother to fix some of that fried cubed steak or fried chicken. He is spoiled.


George and I pigged out at the Waffle House after arriving. I ordered a ham and cheese omelet with extra toast and bacon. I savored the Coke and the free refills. George got a big kick out how novel I thought free refills were.

“You really, really need to get out more,” he told me.

I laughed and laughed.


“Yo momma be bringing McDonald’s tonight?” George asked me on the drive home.

“Amazingly, yes,” I replied. “She reconsidered her cheapness. She thinks I am going to go hungry and that overrides her wallet.”

George laughed. “Your parents sure are characters.”

So true!


Cheryl said...

I'd give anything for someone to do my cooking. Yum.

This IS The Fun Part! said...

I do love me some Waffle House! The sweet tea is to die for - and waffles with hash browns! Sheesh - I just gained 8 pounds thinking about it!

The ever heavier Grannie!

Happyone :-) said...

I bet George's car sounds cool.
My husband and son installed an exhaust system on my Vette called Power House Bold and I love the rumble it makes. Especially when I let off on the gas. :-)

Joy Heather said...

This sounds like a much better day for you and George..but Mrs Florenes Chicken Salad sounded good too....i think i'd have had that later.

Marsha said...

Your Monday sure is nicer than mine! Glad your having a good one! Take care of you, and yours.

glittermom said...

Hope you are ok..We miss not hearing from you each day..Take care of yourself..We worry about you..

kristi said...

LOL at the free refills.

This IS The Fun Part! said...

We're addicted to you! Hope to hear from you soon!

Love ya,

Beth said...

Andrew, I hope you are all right. When you go from blogging several times daily to nothing, it is worrisome. If you ever even read the comments here, I hope you can see that there are people out here -- real people -- who care about you. Remember that this, too, shall pass.

jane said...

i echo beth's thoughts. i am worried about you.

Joy Heather said...

I'm worried as you dont seem to have written a post for a couple of days Andrew...i'm sure your other readers are as concened as I am...we do all care, and i for one am sorry to see the decline in your well being since you started drinking again..Please Andrew for YOUR Sake and Maggies..go and see the Doctor and try and get things sorted out, both with you meds and your Alcohol..sooner of later your Dad will find out..and that will cause even more problems...Take Care,come back fighting Andrew..Please.

kristi said...


Marsha said...

Dear Andrew you are missed. I know this is selfish, but you are a bright light in a dark tunnel for me, so please blog again, soon! It should tell you something good about yourself to see how many people notice when they haven't heard from you in a while. You hang tough!! Take care of yourself!! You are missed!!!!

Becky said...

like the rest just worried about you Andrew...worried and praying

"G" said...

I too have been reading your blog for years now and hope and pray that you are okay.
We can only hope that your computer is malfunctioning.
Good Luck!!!

Berryvox said...

Hope you're okay.

justLacey said...

So long gone, I am wondering what has happened. Hope you are ok.

Maire said...

Hi Andrew :)
please take care of yourself! I love reading your blog & hate to see you in a bad state. On a brighter note, traveling down to NC soon can't wait to have all my favorite foods & eat at The Waffle House all the way there!

PipeTobacco said...

Hello Sir:

I am going to presume things are going well and that perhaps you simply went camping for a spell and are having a grand old time! I will look forward to your return.


March said...

Just wanted to stop by and say hi...been reading since your camping days and you blogging from your grandmothers closet. I'vwe picked up blogging again so I thought I would say hey. Your long time reader on the west coast

A.K.A March

sal said...

Missing your posts! Always enjoy them. Hope everything is ok. As an alcoholic myself I realize with relapse it's so quick to be right back where we were at our worst. Been there and plan to never have to visit that dark place again. Hugs.

Sharyna said...

I came here to see if you had left a "Gone Fishin" sign out. You are missed!