Saturday, March 20, 2010

My Thoughts for the End of the Blogging Day…

Charlie has come and gone with my medications.  He helped me clean my bathroom and then spent the rest of his time here doting over Maggie.  Charlie is Maggie’s de facto favorite visitor.   Charlie also brought a big sack of McDonald’s double cheeseburgers on top of the hamburgers George already brought me.  I am not complaining.  I will have a cheeseburger breakfast and Maggie can eat what she wants because of this bounty. 

I feel better tonight.  In fifteen minutes, the full effect of my medications will sink in.  I am not sure how sleepy they will make me tonight.  I took a lot of naps today and will probably be up late because of it.   I am relieved to be feeling “normal” for what I consider normal.  I was very shaky earlier.  Here’s to hoping I have one of those periods of euphoria I often get within the hour of taking my meds.  It would be a nice cap on a very hard day mentally.  I would love to just sit on the couch and grin for an hour.  :-)


Summer said...

I'm so happy that you're feeling better.

This IS The Fun Part! said...

So glad you're feeling better! Sweet dreams, dear!


justLacey said...

I had that same euphoric feeling after taking percocet when I had my appendix out. It was nice... maybe a little too much so. I stopped needing them after a couple of days and quit taking them. I can see why some people would get addicted to that feeling.

glittergirl said...

so happy to have you back!

also, this current blog format is quite lovely.

Marsha said...

Happy for you!!! Have a good day!!

Joy Heather said...

So pleased you are feeling better dear.