Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Thoughts for the Day…

Don’t Try to Befriend Me…

Wait until some day when they have medications that will cure my mental illness.  I am thinking genetics will be the next big breakthrough in psychiatry.  I need to ask my physician brother and sister.

My point is that I am incapable of friendships.  I am just too paranoid and suspicious of people and online activities.  Email pushes this certain button in me and many have written me over the years only for me to never respond back.  I am afraid to even open my email program these days for fear of what I may find.  They say to have a friend is to be a friend, and am unable to do such a thing due to my mental limitations it seems.  

One reason George is my friend is that he doesn’t take no for an answer.   He is the perfect fit for my illness as far as friendships go.  He will knock on the door until I answer and will call until I pick up the phone. He will come over and look in the window to see if I am sitting at this computer as usual.   He has no qualms about bothering me or forcing me out of the house. He is not afraid of my illness or my often odd social behavior. 

I once had another friend like this named Jay when I lived in Calera, Alabama in my late twenties.  We loved Birmingham Bulls hockey and drinking beer at the games.  He would drive me absolutely crazy until I got a shower, got dressed, got in his truck, and he drove us to a hockey game or the strip club, Lynn’s Den.  I was constantly paranoid that he didn’t like me, though, and that he just felt sorry for me.  Isn’t that crazy?  I guess that is why so many mentally ill people end up alone without family or friends.

More Midnight Shenanigans…

Mom called me after midnight again last night.  Mom is like me.  We keep weird hours.  I wasn’t going to answer the phone until I thought, “If I was having a tough time with my mental illness, then I would want mom and dad to answer at any time of the night.”  Mom wanted to bitch about dad and how he treats her, but I successfully avoided the subject.  Mom and I can have a weird relationship.  For years, we never talked.  Our mental illnesses in our later years have seemed to have developed this bond or truce between us.  One moment she can treat me like a dependent son like she did yesterday with my groceries.  The next, she is treating me like a brother or sister – an equal or confidant.   


justLacey said...

Like it or not I am here and befriending you. I don't mind if you don't respond. I won't e-mail you too often so don't worry about that either. I do enjoy hearing about what you are up to so I will be here as long as you are. George has been a wonderful friend and I like that he checks up on you no matter what. It makes me rest easier that you have someone like this in your life. All of us have had friends come and go. I have a few that have been with me since high school. Although I don;t see them as much as I would like. I know they are there.

Joy Heather said...

I dont think i give much thought to either befriending..or not befriending, i just enjoy reading your blog and especially your honesty very much..and I hope things turn out well for you soon..anyway Andrew i'm almost old enough to be your i dont count !!! LoL.

Sharon said...

You don't have to befriend us, but we're sticking with you anyway. When you feel better if you feel like forging relationships with people, then you'll make a decision. In the meanwhile there are people out here who care about you anyway, even if you're not in a place yet where you can trust or accept that. Just take care of yourself, and don't worry about any of us.

alphabet soup said...

George is a good fellow Andrew, he is always around and then there is Mrs Florene with all the lovely food she shares with you. They are good peopel to have in your life.

Ms Soup

This IS The Fun Part! said...

All the other commenters have it right, I think! We're not here expecting anything from you except what you already give us. . . your words and your feelings in this blog! I have learned so much from you about being a good human being! Totally unexpected - and really welcomed!

So far, Andrew, I like you warts and all . . . and I am old enough to be your mother! :-)

Love ya,