Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My Thoughts at the End of the Blogging Day…

I’m tired. Very tired.  I’ve only had four hours of sleep in 24 hours.  Grocery time was routine.  Mom disapproved of me getting two 2-liters of soda, but I couldn’t resist.  They were on sale for 88 cents each.  She checked my groceries when I got back out to the car.  She even opened a box of Poptarts to look for over the counter medicinal contraband.  I smiled good heartedly as I looked on.  They have learned well over the years.  I live with an arm of the Gestapo. 

I ended up pacing the floor all day long until I was absolutely exhausted.  Many cigarettes were smoked and much soda was drank.  I am now enveloped in my lazy boy in my “bunker” as my brother calls it.   Dad should be here soon with my medications and then I am going to bed. 


Leann said...

Sleep well my dear.

Summer said...

Sounds like you have worn yourself out today. I hope you sleep well.

justLacey said...

Maybe cutting the dosage on your meds is affecting you. Keep it in mind and think about it. If it's not working, you need to talk to your dr about it.