Sunday, February 10, 2019

Bummed Out, Dude…

I was on such a roll. Yesterday, I had walked a whole week. It drizzled rain all afternoon and tonight and I missed my walk. I didn’t help that the temperatures were hovering in the forties as well. Oh well, I guess I will pick up where I left off tomorrow. The temperature should be warmer as well.


skinny minny said...

It's wonderful that you are walking don't worry about missing today. Every now and then a day off is needed and good. Just get back out there tomorrow.

glittermom said...

Are you still riding your bike too?

Andrew said...

My bike has a flat tire at the moment. :-(

glittermom said...

Do bike tires still have inner tubes?

Andrew said...

Glittermom, I do believe mine has inner tubes.

Sharyn Bellah said...

On rainy days, run in place during commercials or whatever breaks you take. Besides burning calories, it will make Maggie nuts. "What are you doing, Daddy?" "Why aren't you going anywhere?"