Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Quite a Supreme Storm Wouldn't You Say Sir?

It was absolutely pouring down rain when Maggie started to whine loudly. Thunder rolled loudly over my and Maggie’s home.

“What is it girl?” I asked intrigued as the thunder clapped loudly once again.

I thought maybe the storm was spooking her. I followed her into the laundry room where she stuck her head out the dog door in apprehension. She had to potty something badly. I chuckled.

“You can do it, but you’ve got to hurry,” I told her as if she could understand.

Maggie flew out that dog door faster than lickety split into the deluge and squatted on the nearest ground available. She tinkled and then headed back inside. I was still chuckling as I followed her back to the den.

“You do it girl!” I exclaimed as I rubbed her damp head.

Maggie then proceeded to use the couch as a towel much to my dismay.

1 comment:

Sharyn Bellah said...

#Patience is still learning "potty outside". And it has been raining here too. She is learning to go quick!