Thursday, February 14, 2019

Your Kiss Is On My List…

I had to drive down to Opelika to pick up some blank BD-R’s or blank Blu-ray discs. I stopped by Tracy’s apartment to see how packing is going. She had a whole pile of boxes in the middle of the floor of her den. You couldn’t even see the television.

“Where did you get all these boxes?” I asked Tracy, astonished.

“I went and bought them at the U-Haul store,” she replied.

She was truly excited about the arrangements. I have to say I am getting excited about them as well, though, still a tad bit apprehensive. It is definitely a big step in our relationship.

“Charlie’s getting the U-Haul truck tomorrow and we will be moving my and your furniture Saturday,” I told her. “He’s going to store my bedroom suite, couch, recliner, and entertainment center at his spare house in the garage.”

Tracy put a mound full of clothes in my trunk and on the back seat of my car to carry with me.

According to Tracy, you can never have too many shoes and I asked her where they are.

“They’re in boxes,” she told me with a smile and then told me not to say a word.

I playfully cajole her about her shoe addiction. I smiled feverishly when she told me not to say a word.

“What can I do to help?” I asked, looking hapless.

“If you and Charlie can get the furniture and boxes moved, then I can handle the rest,” Tracy told me much to my relief.

Although, I do dread moving all that furniture with a passion.

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