Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Time to Listen Closely…

Tracy came home all upset that she had a music listening test tonight and she didn’t think she was prepared enough.

“I’ve been listening to all these songs driving back and forth from work,” she said. “Trying to memorize them. I thought this class was going to be easy, but it is turning out to be hard!”

“Let’s sit down and go through a few songs,” I told her as I placed her listening disc in the boom box above the den computer.

I played the first song and Tracy wrinkled her nose – the answer was on the tip of her tongue.

“Hear the lute playing?” I asked. “That means it is probably a renaissance piece.”

I played the next song and it had harpsichord in it.

“Now, that is distinctively Baroque,” I told her. “See? This is not going to be that hard.”

The next song I played was Gregorian chant and distinctively medieval. 

Tracy left for class much more emboldened about her chances of passing the test.

“Love you, Hon!” she told me. “Thank you so much for the help!”

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