Sunday, February 03, 2019

Charlie Proofing Your House…

I sometimes think Charlie was born to clean. He is always cleaning something over at his house. You can eat off of Charlie’s floors and counter tops. If he isn’t cleaning then he is doing some kind of busy work.

Every Sunday is the same routine. I have a good excuse to clean my house. About four in the afternoon, I get to cleaning the things Charlie would clean when he comes over. First and foremost is to see if Maggie’s food and water bowls are full to the brim. Secondly, I have to wash all my dishes and take out all the trash. Then comes sweeping the floors. Next, is the bathroom just in case someone has to use it. Charlie will spend 30 minutes cleaning it if it is in bad shape or the least bit dirty.

Speaking of the devil, Charlie just has called me to see what I wanted to eat tonight.

“Chicken sammich!” I exclaimed, laughing, which is a running joke between us. “Charlie, don’t forget to get Maggie a chicken sammich as well.”

Charlie says I am obsessed with chicken sandwiches these days.

“I wouldn’t forget Maggie for anything in the world,” Charlie told me and we got off the phone.

Watch the Water Just Bead and Roll Off…

It was another warm day – a day to get out and wax my car before the cold returns. It took me about hour and I was delighted at the results. My car now glistens in the sunlight with a mirror finish. Now, all I need are some of those Rain-X windshield wipers and my car will be in good shape.


sharyna said...

Good morning!!

Andrew said...

Good Morning Dear Soul!!!