Monday, February 18, 2019

The One, Two Punch…

I was awakened at 6:45am to the sound of Tracy taking a shower. She had to be at work at 8:00am this morning. I noticed Wheezy was asleep at the foot of the bed. I drifted back off to sleep barely remembering Tracy kissing me goodbye. Then, there was the loud, raucous noise of a leaf blower at 8:00am. Yes, Lopez Landscaping had arrived to manicure my lawn and clean things up. I was awake by then. There was no turning back and sleeping some more. I always worry when they come so early that they are waking up my neighbors as well.

On an interesting note, my neighbor to the right has always been an enigma to me. I walked outside to head out for my daily walk and she was letting her dog potty on a leash in her yard. I gathered up some neighborly courage and walked over to introduce myself. I shook her hand and she said her name was Sunny like the sun.

“My name is Andrew. Nice to meet you Sunny,” I said, smiling goofily with a bumbling nature. “If you ever need anything then let me know.”

I know she must now think I am nuts as a fruitcake I was so bumbling! I was just nervous as social situations like that are hard and ungainly for me.

Spring Has Sprung in the South!

On my walk, I noticed all the daffodils are blooming as well as the tulip trees. My neighbor, James, down the street has a yard full of blooming daffodils and it is a glorious and invigorating sight! A few trees are budding and leafing out as well. We’ve had an uncommonly warm winter here. It is supposed to be in the seventies later in the week with thunderstorms to grace us.


glittermom said...

It’s an adjustment living with someone if you’ve been by yourself a long time.

Sharyn Bellah said...

Wow, I remember when you did your lawn and half the neighbours. You even had business cards. What happened to your trailer?