Monday, February 11, 2019

Inebriation Kroger Style…

My father had told me earlier in the day that we would go grocery shopping at nine that evening. Well, nine rolled around and he still hadn’t called. I called him and he seemed startled and surprised as if he had been asleep.

“Is it nine already?” he asked.

“I am heading to Kroger to get started shopping,” I told him. “Are you coming on?”

“I am fixing to head that way,” my father replied, composing himself somewhat.

I waited over 30 minutes for my father to get to Kroger tonight so I could checkout. I was getting a little peeved and perturbed. I almost checked out myself and just waited on him to arrive in the parking lot telling him I’ve finished. Handing him the receipt in the process. As soon as I smelled his breath, I knew what was up.

“Dad,” I whispered closely in his ear. “You’ve had too much to drink. You don’t need to be driving like this.”

There were Kroger employees standing all around us. I was trying to be discreet. Dad had that glassy eyed look of someone who had one glass of wine too many.

“I am perfectly fine,” he replied, stumbling on his words.

I went on and loaded up my car with groceries while he did his shopping. I waited on him to leave the store and head for his car.

“Just please Jesus let me drive you home,” I pleaded with him as we walked across the parking lot.

About that time, a police car came pulling into the parking lot very near us. That seemed to have spooked my father into acquiescing.

“Maybe you’re right. Can we come and get my car in the morning?” he asked.

“We can come at seven if you so wish. Just let me drive you home.”

Dad put his groceries on my backseat and I took him to his house helping him carry all his groceries inside. In two bags were two more giant bottles of wine.

I honestly don’t think my father realizes how much he is drinking. He is drinking about half a very large bottle of wine a night.

1 comment:

Sharyn Bellah said...

That happens to widow(ers) a lot. I am surprised he still cooks. Be sure to watch him and speak to Charlie if you think it's getting too bad!

It's wonderful that you are spending more time with him. Loneliness is what gets you. All those years of routine with another person and then they're gone.